Спеціальність 032 Історія та археологія

About the department

Our staff members are highly skilled specialists who teach basic and special disciplines at all departments of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

The main task is to offer historical courses for all interested students. Our goal is further democratization of higher technical education in Ukraine, further improvement of education quality and expanding worldview of future engineers.

The teaching team consists of 19 persons. Three of them obtain the Doctor of Science degree, while 14 – Candidate of Science (PhD) degree. Four of them are Professors, 11 – Associate Professors, 3 – Senior Lecturers, and 2 are lecturers without scientific degree. The chair also includes Training Center with library, with 4 persons employed in it.

A specialized magazine “Pages of History” is published under the auspices of our chair. This magazine focuses on key subjects of contemporary Ukrainian historiography. The majority of our employees contribute their papers to this magazine on a regular basis.

The chair hosts academic events, such as workshop “Current Issues in Teaching History and Culture of Ukraine for Academic Institutions” and student’s research-to-practice conference “Ukraine: History, Culture, and Heritage”.

The Chair of History runs a graduate PhD program in specialty 032 “History and Archaeology”.

List of Chair Members with Special Responsibilities:

Head of Chair: Svitlana Kostyleva, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor;

Special Responsibilities:

Academic Work: Liudmyla Ihnatova, Candidate of Historical Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor

Methodological Work: Alla Lykholat, Candidate of Historical Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor

Curriculum and Discipline: Olha Martynyuk, Candidate of Historical Sciences (PhD), Senior Lecturer

International Cooperation: Svitlana Boyeva, Candidate of Historical Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor