Спеціальність 032 Історія та археологія

Student courses

List of Academic Disciplines

Offered by Chair of History:

History of Ukraine (Social and Political Aspects)

History of Ukrainian Culture

History of Science and Technology

World History of XX-XXI Centuries

Ukraine in the Context of European Historical Development

History of Kyiv Polytechnics

Name of Discipline: “History of Ukraine (Social and Political Aspects)”

Aim: to generate knowledge about basic periods, processes and events in Ukrainian history with references to the history of world civilization

Summary: this academic discipline deepens and arranges historical knowledge, as well as problematizes key issues divided into 4 modules: ethnopolitical context of Ukrainian history; history of statehood and legislative systems; social processes and everyday life in Ukrainian lands; major trends in Ukrainian science and technology development. Students obtain a complex idea about historical development of Ukrainian nation and understanding of logic of historical processes that took place in Ukrainian lands in context of global historical trends.

Name of Discipline: “History of Ukrainian Culture”

 Aim: to study basic periods, processes and events in history of Ukrainian culture from ancient times until today in the context of global historical trends.

Summary: this discipline deepens and arranges students’ knowledge about the history of Ukrainian culture. Much attention is given to clarifying a number of theoretical issues regarding theory of culture, its structures, relation to economic, political and other social processes, traditions and innovations. Learning study material helps students gain a comprehensive understanding of the historical and cultural development of the Ukrainian people, and get into historical logic of cultural processes in Ukrainian lands as part of the culture of mankind.

Name of Discipline: “History of Science and Technology”

Aim: to study basic periods, processes and events in history of science and technology in Ukraine from ancient times until today in context of global historical trends.

Summary: This course is designed according to a multidisciplinary approach. It combines knowledge in Humanities and Natural sciences, which makes it different from traditional schemes of Natural history studies. The discipline embraces approaches from all Natural, Technical and Humanities branches of knowledge. Students gain a comprehensive idea about development of science and technology as a historical and cultural phenomenon.

Name of Discipline: “World History of XX-XXI Centuries”

 Aim: to study basic historical events and key trends in global development. The course highlights peculiar features of various civilizations and forms sensitivity towards various national perspectives on the role of person and society in contemporary global world.

Summary: this discipline presents patterns of global trends and regional specifics in human history of modern period, the role of scientific and technological progress in forming industrial and informational societies, peculiarities of functioning its sociosphere, key geopolitical concepts that influenced different countries, rise and demise of different ideologies, and contradictions and logic of economic development.

Name of Discipline: «Ukraine in the Context of European Historical Development»

Aim: to form understanding of key trends in historical development of Ukraine as part of European space

Sumary: This discipline is focused on historical role of Ukraine in the European space. Ukrainian history is presented in social, economic, political and spiritual dimentions, as a system of values and commitments, constructed in close association with European traditions. The students will learn about forming of Ukrainian traditions and how they were influenced by historical development of other European countries. One of the assumptions of this course is that knowledge about history and culture of Ukraine is a key strategical resource in the globalized media sphere. The course justifies necessity of cultural heredity in Ukraine, with its openness to the world, no prejudice towards the Other, humanism.

Name of Discipline: «History of Kyiv Polytechnics»

Aim: to form an understanding about history of Kyiv Polytechnics as one of the major institutions of higher education, define its place and role in Ukrainian and world history, science and technology.

Summary: The course defines theoretical background, key notions, methods and principles in a new branch of scientific knowledge – Higher Education Studies. Students will learn the history of Kyiv Polytechnics in a wide social, political and cultural context. Particularly, they will learn the history of various faculties, academic schools, collective and personal achievements, biographies of prominent scholars, particular historical circumstances that defined teaching process, academic life, everyday activities of teachers and students etc. The course presents continuity in traditions of Kyiv Polytechnics and justifies their importance for the development of the University.