Спеціальність 032 Історія та археологія

Information about the master’s degree

The level of higher education – master’s degree

Field of knowledge – 03 Humanities

Specialty – 032 History and Archeology + 033 Philosophy

The type of educational program is educational and scientific

The term of study in the educational program is 2 years

The form of obtaining education in the educational program is full-time

Interdisciplinary educational and scientific program “European Studies” – not accredited (accreditation is planned for the 2025/2026 academic year)

The educational program places its primary focus on a detailed understanding of European identity through the prism of history and philosophy, emphasizing Ukraine’s unique place in this context. This approach allows students not only to deeply immerse themselves in the dynamics of European cultural and historical processes, but also to understand how Ukraine influenced and was influenced by European ideas and movements. The program emphasizes the importance of students’ ability to develop projects that promote cultural dialogue, integration and cooperation at the European level. Graduates learn not only theoretical aspects, but also practical skills necessary for effective work in state authorities, non-governmental organizations and international institutions. This opens up wide prospects for career growth at the national and international levels, where they can apply their knowledge and skills to solve complex tasks. Thanks to this program, students enter the labor market as highly qualified specialists, ready to face the challenges of a globalized world and promote deeper mutual understanding between cultures.