Спеціальність 032 Історія та археологія



The Department of History has established and maintained scientific communication with members of foreign academia. Staff members of the Department take part in international scientific conferences, publish the results of their scientific research in foreign academic journals, take internships at foreign universities and research institutions, win grants for conducting research and organize meetings between prominent foreign researchers and students of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

Staff members of foreign universities and research institutions are authors and members of the editorial board of the peer-reviewed academic history journal «History Pages», which is published by the Department of History.

The Department of History cooperates with the Holodomor Research and Educational Consortium (HREC) at the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (CIUS) of the University of Alberta and with the Ukrainian Holodomor Research and Education Centre (HREC in Ukraine). Based on this cooperation, students of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute have an opportunity to attend educational events with the participation of prominent foreign researchers: Canadian historian Jars Balan, American historian Mark von Hagen, American historian and journalist Anne Applebaum, Italian historian Andrea Graziosi, American historians Paul Robert Magocsi and Yohanan Petrovsky-Shtern.

The Department of History cooperates with the Embassy of Finland in Ukraine in an organization the annual student seminars on the history of Finland and relations between Ukraine and Finland.

Academic staff of the History Department teaches students several courses in English.